Opening a bank account in Portugal: a guide for American expatriates


Portugal, with its sunny landscapes, mild climate and affordable cost of living, is attracting more and more American expatriates. If you are thinking of moving to Portugal, it is important to open a local bank account to facilitate your day-to-day transactions.

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Choosing a bank

Portugal has a number of banks, both national and international. It's important to choose a bank that meets your needs and offers services tailored to expatriates. In particular, you should consider the following factors. Click here to discover more information.


A crucial aspect of choosing an expatriate bank is a careful analysis of the different types of charges involved. First of all, pay particular attention to account maintenance charges, which can vary considerably from one bank to another. Some banks offer special packages for foreign residents, sometimes with preferential terms.

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Aside from pricing considerations, make sure that the bank you target offers a range of services tailored to your specific needs as an expatriate. The ability to access a secure, user-friendly online banking platform is now an essential prerequisite for many users.

The language

Last but not least: as a new resident who may not yet be fluent in Portuguese, you should look for banking establishments with staff who are competent in English or French. This ease of communication will help to avoid any damaging misunderstandings when dealing with administrative formalities.

Documents required

To open a bank account in Portugal, you will need a number of documents:

  • your passport;
  • your residence visa (if required);
  • proof of address;
  • proof of income...

Opening an account

The procedure for opening a bank account in Portugal is generally straightforward. You will need to go to a bank branch with your documents and fill in an application form. The process can take a few days, so it's important to plan ahead.

Types of bank account

There are different types of bank account available in Portugal. The most common are current accounts and savings accounts. Current accounts allow you to carry out day-to-day transactions, while savings accounts allow your money to grow.